Computer Audio Design

Computer Audio Design

Like many in the home audio industry, Scott Berry is here because of his lifelong passion for music combined with his engineering skill……and maybe a bit of luck! Like many others, Scott started his interest in HiFi as a customer. And then, his CD player started malfunctioning. Most people at this point would go out and buy a new one. But when certain electrical engineers have equipment that stops working, just buying a new one is too simple. They start to try to make their own. At this point, Scott was very interested in using a computer for music play back and Scott said: I can make this sound a lot better. Than in 2013, the CAD 1543 DAC made its debut at the UK largest Audio Show, the Bristol HiFi Show and won “Best Sound of the Show”. This was awarded by the UK Clarity Alliance which is the UK audio manufacturers and dealers’ organization. Clarity Alliance members visit all the rooms at the Show and then as a group decide which room win this coveted award. This was a good start for CAD!

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Computer Audio Design

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